> On Mar 10, 2017, at 12:03 AM, /dev/rob0 <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
> Sure, you can do what you want, and in theory it sounds prudent to 
> exempt postmaster & abuse from spam controls, but in practice, it 
> turns out only to be a way to get yourself a lot more spam.
> I don't have enough rejections to be able to gauge what others are 
> doing at their sites.

At a small enough domain, one can take the view that a RBL listing
in SpamHaus is the sender's problem to resolve, since they'll have
issues sending email to half the planet.  Therefore, if you're only
blocking the same things that everyone else does, you don't need
a whitelist.  If you're maintaining manual filters beyond what's
common, a whitelist for postmaster may be prudent for such filters.


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