I have a milter set up to REJECT on some body content.

It works like it should and REJECTS with the message

        Jul 25 14:41:13 mariner postfix/handoff/smtpd[56542]: proxy-reject: 
END-OF-MESSAGE: 554 5.7.1 id=12969-07 - Rejected by next-hop MTA on relaying, 
from MTA(smtp:[]:16002): 554 5.7.1 BANNED CONTENT; 
from=<bou...@send.example1.com> to=<m...@mydomain.com> proto=ESMTP 

I've tested it by sending 'bad' email to myself from gmail.  Seems to work as 

The mailers on EXAMPLE2.com are for an otherwise fairly repsectable domain.  
Most of what comes from there to me is OK.

But they keep retrying to resend the email that's getting REJECTed.  Every 
15mins for the past 9+ hours since the 1st message was sent and got rejected.

Depending on where I read about it that "554 5.7.1" error code means "failed 

I thought that a REJECT is supposed to do that -- just send an 'undeliverable' 
notice back to the sender containing the error code.

But it acts like it means "and retry later" too.

Is there some other Error code that says "failed.  permanently.  stop trying to 
resend the darn thing." ?

Or if not a better way to deal with it in Postfix?


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