> On Jul 26, 2017, at 10:28 AM, Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now my question:  is there any future benefit to having tls certs for a host 
> name of "smtp.domain.tld" for each "domain.tld" when all domains will have 
> the same mail server?

No, for inbound mail a single MX hostname shared across all hosted
domains and an associated shared name in the certificate is best.

If you're also doing port 587 submission, and/or imap then it sometimes
makes more sense to have per-domain certificates.  I've still not had
the time to implement support for server-side SNI in Postfix, so multiple
certificates for submission are not well supported in Postfix.

I don't quite understand how service providers go about obtaining
legitimate certificates for client domains they don't control.
If all the domains are yours, a single shared name for the submission
service is again simpler.


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