I have old server Postfix 2.x with MySQL, migrating to Postfix 3.x on a
new Centos 7 MariaDB 10.2, virtual user/domain, maybe 20 domain/100 users,
see abbreviated usage summary [1]

new server has been up and running few weeks with just a handful users,
just now, transferred another domain/25 users across to new server, and,
within few hours started getting mysql 'issues', it looks like I don't
have enough mysql resources

Jan  4 00:12:39 postfix/proxymap[28038]: warning: connect to mysql server Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial
communication packet', system error: 104

MariaDB is used for Postfix/Dovecot/Postfixadmin as well as Apache/PHP.

looking for suggestions, tips and advice how to determine 'optimal' mysql
and/or related settings

on startup it says:
Jan 04 07:48:24 mysqld-scl-helper[6908]: 2018-01-04  7:48:24
139791312545920 [Warning] Changed limits: max_open_files: 1024 
max_connections: 151  table_cache: 431
Jan 04 07:48:24 systemd[1]: Started MariaDB 10.2 database server.

thanks, V

Grand Totals

   1596   received
   1977   delivered
      9   forwarded
      8   deferred  (19  deferrals)
      2   bounced
   4621   rejected (69%)
      0   reject warnings
      0   held
      4   discarded (0%)

 312364k  bytes received
 419827k  bytes delivered
    862   senders
    611   sending hosts/domains
    211   recipients
     81   recipient hosts/domains

Per-Day Traffic Summary
    date          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
    Jan  1 2018       215        211          8          0        472
    Jan  2 2018       201        221          1          0       2649
    Jan  3 2018       908       1251         10          0       1159
    Jan  4 2018       272        294          0          2        345

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