I want to replace old Sendmail server with new with Postfix. And although
I have read some documentation and howtos, I'm still disoriented in the
vast array of possibilities in Postfix itself and its interaction with
other pieces. Here is what I have:

- mailserver will be the target for two domains (old surviving and current new)

- users, their aliases and mail groups are in remote LDAP DB with schema
/objects/values as:

dn: cn=username, ou=rank, o=myorg
cn: username
objectClass: Person
gidNumber: uNNN
uidNumber: gNNN
userPassword: (somehow hashed, only bind verification)
homeDirectory: /Home/$rank/$username
mailActive:  0/1 
mail: user1@NewDomain
mail: user2@OldDomain    (not all users have old address]
uid: username
groupMembership: group DN       (can be multiple times for different groups)

For users in objectClass = Person applies:
- cn == uid, but user1, user2 and username are not necessarily the same
- users have uidNumber and gidNumber, but are almost unusable, because
   start from 100 (thus overlapping with system accounts ID)
- homeDirectory has no meaning for mailserver machine itself - there will
   be only an administrator account.
- absent or zero mailActive item cause mail rejecting

Users can have a mail alias with LDAP in form:
dn: cn=alias, ou=Alias, o=myorg
objectClass: aliasObject
cn: alias
aliasedObjectName: user object DN

and finally there can be mail groups defined as:
dn: cn=groupname, ou=Groups, o=myorg
cn: groupname
mailActive:  0/1       (meaning same as for users)
objectClass: groupOfNames
member: user DN

And my idea is:
- postfix MTA (v3.2.4) with some milters (milters not essential)
- dovecot (v2.3.0) IMAP server and LMTP deliver (with Sieve)
- postfix, dovecot, user's mail folders on one machine (Centos 7 Linux)

What will be the most appropriate layout for this scenario?

I have a number of unclear areas what is best:

- local users or virtual users?
  (I think best will be when all mail directory tree will be owned
  by one user account (vmail in lot howtos), but it's really best?)

- mail folders should be in form '/someTopDir/$username/.mail/' ?
  (because isn't possible have domain part, as the user can have two
  mail addresses in different domains)

- which transport to choose (whether one from something as
local_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/run/dovecot/dovecot-lmtp
virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/run/dovecot/dovecot-lmtp
mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/run/dovecot/dovecot-lmtp
or something else?

- which maps are needed and how to define them?

- eventually how to configure dovecot LMTP deliver?

Any recommendations or instructions are highly appreciated.
Thanks, Franta

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