
I currently use Postfix version 3.1.0.  I know that there are announcements of 
feature changes between each release of Postfix via e-mail and I read these, 
but I was wondering if there was an easy way to see the changes to the main.cf 
configuration parameters between versions ?

For example, can I somehow diff the difference between man 5 postconf on 
version 3.1.0 and the current release of Postfix ?  When I say diff, I am 
hoping to be able to see just the new configuration parameters.

The only way I can think of doing this is to dump the default configuration 
from postconf from one version and then diff that against the default 
configuration from postconf from the current version.  That will tell me new 
parameters, but it won’t show me if the documentation for existing parameters 
has changed.

If there isn’t an easy way to do this, is this in fact documented somewhere 
(perhaps a list of configuration parameter changes on the website that I just 
haven’t found yet) ?


- J

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