> Hi
> I posted one query similar to the above but I didn't got any satisfactory
> replies. The link for the query is provided below:-
> We want to find an official document for postfix which will tell the maximum
> load capacities for postfix mail server. We tried to search for it but we
> could only find performance test research papers. 

If you can predict the behavior of every program including the
kernel and firmware in your HDD or SSD, then a precise prediction
may be possible given controlled inputs. Otherwise, only estimates
can be made.

> Actually we have made few changes in postfix source code and we are doing
> performance testing on it . But we want to get an official document where
> postfix maximum capacities are checked after development so that we can do
> an analogous testing and then documentation.
> We tried to search for other mail servers also like Microsoft Exchange
> server, IBM lotus domino, etc in this regard with no very relevant results.

May I suggest: you test the modified code and the unmodified code
and then try to explain why one is better than the other.


> We really need guidance on this issue. Please any help will really
> appreciated.
> Regards
> Saahil
> --
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