
I manage a small mail server and have been using Spamcop as a DNSBL’s via 

        postscreen_dnsbl_sites = bl.spamcop.net
        postscreen_dnsbl_action = drop

After reading RFC 5782 “DNS Blacklists and Whitelists”, I decided to add some 
DNSBL’s and specify filters and weighting.  While looking at various samples of 
using DNSBL’s, I came back to an old question - where should I implement DNSBL 
restrictions ?

On this list I seem to recall that using a DNSBL via postscreen is discouraged. 
 Many examples
place a DNSBL entry in smtpd_recipient_restrictions:

        . . .
        smtpd_recipient_restrictions = . . . reject_rbl_client bl.spamcop.net 

However, isn’t it better to place this in postscreen, as a SMTP transaction 
will not be started
when a spammer listed on the DNSBL connects ?  Or are smtpd restrictions 
as there is more metadata about the mail transaction which I can check to see 
if a false
positive listing on a DNSBL has taken place ?

This confuses me as whether I place a DNSBL in postscreen or SMTP restrictions, 
in both
cases the message is blocked.  What are the advantages of placing in SMTP 
restrictions ?


- J

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