2018-11-13 16:05 GMT+01:00 Kris Deugau <kdeu...@vianet.ca>:

> Poliman - Serwis wrote:
>> Hello. I have used G Suite MX checker available here
>> https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/checkmx/
> This seems to be a Google-specific tester for domains hosted with Google,
> so it's difficult to compare with random other domains.
> and I have message: "The address of the mail server in the domain record A
>> can cause poorly visible and difficult to diagnose errors manifested by
>> "disappearing" e-mails in the event of problems with the DNS server. This
>> problem can be diagnosed by entering a command*telnet your.do.main
>> 25*[..]". How can I resolve this?
> It would be helpful to know which domain you're testing so the rest of us
> can read the entire report.
> It sort of sounds like you have either managed to enter one of the Google
> MX hosts' IP addresses as your domain root A record, or have an extra MX
> record somewhere, or just have the domain root A record pointed somewhere
> outside Google, but without more information it's really hard to tell what
> they're even checking for.
> -kgd

It's colonel.com.pl. Please check. I don't see anywhere MX's IP as A record
in dns zone.


*Pozdrawiam / Best Regards*
*Piotr Bracha*

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