Kris Deugau:
> To my reading of Jason's first message, the widget/appliance/app that's 
> generating the original emails is, in and of itself, (mis)using the null 
> sender on (some of) its own original messages, because Reasons.
> Jason wants to take those messages, and overwrite a correct envelope 
> sender address onto them.

In that case, you may be able to get away with

    smtpd_command_filter = pcre:/etc/postfix/command_filter

   # Don't lose command parameters.
    /^MAIL FROM:<>(.*)/         MAIL FROM:<>$1

But this changes the sender for real bounces, too. If you need a
be more selective solution, like only do this for specific SMTP
clients, a Milter coukld do it (in Python, Perl, ...).


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