Hi all,

I have a site with a very old domain that’s at the front of the alphabet. For 
some reason (age, alphabetical order, ???) that domain gets bombarded with spam 
before the senders make it onto any of the blacklists I use (even trialed a few 
for-profit blacklists). Literally some of these miss getting caught by 2-3 
minutes. Aside from the general jaw-on-floor reaction I have to just how so 
many new “clean” IPs are enlisted in these spamming efforts on a daily basis, I 
was wondering if greylisting might be a good option here. One of the folks that 
runs the Abusix service suggested this since he pointed out that I’m really 
missing these spammers by minutes…

What is your “go to” greylisting solution these days? My main concerns are that 
it’s something that’s well-maintained, does not need babysitting, and is here 
for the long haul.

I’ve been sort of opposed to greylisting in the past due to a userbase that’s 
sensitive to delays, but… the spam is worse.



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