> I’ve been sort of opposed to greylisting in the past due to a userbase that’s 
> sensitive to delays, but… the spam is worse.

IMHO Greylisting is rather pointless. Its a blunt tool, and not only that it 
does that unforgivable thing of annoying genuine people.

I would hazard a guess that if you are being innundated with spam, then your 
RBL setup is less than adequate. Both the choice of RBLs  ***AND*** the correct 
configuration thereof is critical.

I should also add that you should not be afraid to pay for access. The good 
lists will (a) block you if you hammer them with high volumes of requests (b) 
save some of their better content (or new innovations) for their paid 

RBLs these days are pretty darn good, with everything setup correctly you can 
easily be in the very high 90-percentiles of catching spam and pretty much zero 

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