On 28 May 2020, at 15:29, Thomas <postfixli...@mytelpbx.com> wrote:
> I of cource use my own domain where I pay for.

Yes, but read the rest of what I wrote, especially the parts I've highlighted:

Do not create a fake address with someone else's domain. Do not use 
mudomain.com because you neither own nor control mydomain.com 

***and do not use mydoamin.com as a substitute for example.com**

because, again, you neither own nor control mydomain.com. 

**Do not think that "my domain.com is obviously fake" because it is not**

it is a valid domain and has been for 25 years.

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"Well, I think so, Brain, but snort no, no, it's too stupid!"

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