On 28 May 2020, at 15:59, Thomas <postfixli...@mytelpbx.com> wrote:
> Am 28.05.20 um 23:48 schrieb @lbutlr:
>> On 28 May 2020, at 15:29, Thomas <postfixli...@mytelpbx.com> wrote:
>>> I of cource use my own domain where I pay for.
>> Yes, but read the rest of what I wrote, especially the parts I've 
>> highlighted:
>> Do not create a fake address with someone else's domain. Do not use 
>> mudomain.com because you neither own nor control mydomain.com
> Of cource I will not do! Iam using my own domains I have paid before and only 
> I control.

OK, but I am ALSO talking about when posting to groups, as you did in this 

> mydomain.com was only an example for this discussion.

And that is my point, do not use this as an example; this is a real domain. For 
example domains you can use example.com example.net and example.net or, at 
least for now, <something>.tld since .tld is not a top-level domain.

What was it they said about gods? They wouldn't exist if there
        weren't people to believe in them? And that applied to
        everything. Reality was what went on inside people's heads.
        --Moving Pictures

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