On 5/29/21 11:40 AM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
On 5/29/21 10:22 AM, Timo Geusch wrote:
Based on zen.spamhaus.org's documentation[245] are
actually error codes and not indicators of allow/denylisting - in this
case, their error is that I was querying via a public resolver, see link
here: https://www.spamhaus.org/faq/section/DNSBL%20Usage#200

The fix/workaround in my case is relatively easy as I mostly need to
update the configuration for my local DNS server. That said, I'm not
sure if postscreen should treat this kind of error as a denylisted server?

I ran into the same issue.  The solution in my case was to remove the
DNSBL checks from Postscreen, and reconfigure rspamd to use Spamhaus's
free Data Query Service.  As a bonus, rspamd learns more about
recognizing spam if it is performing the RBL checks itself.

Thanks, that's good to know. I'm planning to switch to rspamd when I redo the server so I'll add that to my todo list.

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