On Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 03:33:05PM +0200, fo...@gmx.de wrote:

> Hello together,
> I have "Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS" on a raspberry pi 4, and I'm trying to config 
> postfix to rewrite local-addresses and use then sender-dependent relayhosts.
> Postfix is mail_version = 3.4.13 and i have a dynamic IP.
> The setup looks /should be like this:
> 1) local user sends email to postfix (local emailserver)
> 2) postfix rewrites FROM Address
> 3) dependent on the rewriten FROM Address pick the right relayhost
> 4) submits the mail to the relayhost via port 587 with the credentials from 
> pass_smarthost
> For point 1) an 2) i have a file sender_canonical created:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Local_User_A@local.homenet us...@gmx.de
> Local_User_B@local.homenet us...@gmail.com
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For point 3) i have a file relaymap created:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> @gmx.de mail.gmx.net:587
> @gmail.com smtp.gmail.com:587
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For point 4) i have a file pass_smarthost created:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> us...@gmx.de us...@gmx.de:UserA-GMX-Password
> us...@gmail.com us...@gmail.com:UserB-Gmail-Password
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I tested it with this:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> echo "test" | sendmail -f ttm  xxxx...@posteo.de
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> But currently i get:
> tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep --line-buffered "postfix\|relay\|generic"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/pickup[24810]: 5CFF24028B: uid=0 
> from=<ttm>
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/cleanup[24830]: 5CFF24028B: 
> message-id=<20210907182829.5CFF24028B@ttmsacer.homenet>
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/qmgr[24811]: 5CFF24028B: 
> from=<ttm@ttmsacer.homenet>, size=256, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/smtp[24833]: connect to 
> mx04.posteo.de[]:25: Connection refused
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/smtp[24833]: connect to 
> mx01.posteo.de[]:25: Connection refused
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/smtp[24833]: connect to 
> mx01.posteo.de[]:25: Connection refused
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/smtp[24833]: connect to 
> mx03.posteo.de[]:25: Connection refused
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/smtp[24833]: connect to 
> mx03.posteo.de[]:25: Connection refused
> Sep  7 18:28:29 ubuntu-RPI4 postfix/smtp[24833]: 5CFF24028B: 
> to=<xxxx...@posteo.de>, relay=none, delay=0.51, delays=0.07/0.08/0.36/0, 
> dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mx03.posteo.de[]:25: 
> Connection refused)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For me it looks like, that postfix tries to deliver the email directly
> to the recipient server on port 25 - instead of using the relayhost
> (here gmx.de).
> And the rewrite didnt come to the correct address - maybe a circle?
> After the rewrite the FROM Address should be the us...@gmx.de not 
> ttm@ttmsacer.homenet.
> I tried to add the "-v" option in the master.cf to see more details or get a 
> hint whats going round.
> But i didn't get the error. What am I missing? Any hint would be helpful.
> Thank you in advance.
> main.cf
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [...]
> receive_override_options = no_address_mappings

I could be wrong, but I don't think you want the above setting.
You have canonical address maps and virtual alias maps, and
this setting disables them both.

Normally, I think you'd only use this setting when there's an
external filter, and you want the address mappings to take
place after the filter so that the filter itself has access
to the original addresses. But you don't have a content_filter,
so address mapping is just completely disabled.


The above documentation doesn't specifically mention
"sender canonical address mapping", but it might be
implied where it refers to "canonical address mapping".
Not sure about that, but you did say that the address
rewriting isn't happening, so it probably is implied.

> [...]
> sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
> sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relaymap
> [...]
> smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical

Does it make sense to use the same map for
sender_canonical_maps and smtp_generic_maps? Perhaps it
does. It just struck me as possibly odd. Perhaps it's fine.

According to
the generic maps aren't turned off by
receive_override_options (because it's for the sending
stage, not the receiving stage), so maybe they at least
are being performed, but only once the mail is already
on its way out via the smtp(8). I think you still want
the canonical address mapping to take place before that
(by removing receive_override_options) so that the
sender_dependent_relayhost_maps can have an effect.

> smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous

I'd leave the above at its more secure default value to
ensure that passwords can't be sent unencrypted. But
perhaps I just don't understand the reason why people
change this setting. But it probably never actually
results in passwords being sent unencrypted anyway, so
it probably doesn't really matter.

> [...]
> smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes

The above should probably be removed from main.cf and
added to the submission service in master.cf instead.
It won't solve your problem, but it's better. You don't
need or want authentication on port 25. The other
smtpd_sasl_* settings can stay in main.cf or be moved
to master.cf. Actually, smtpd_sasl_auth_enable is
already in master.cf, so you can just delete it from
main.cf to prevent unwanted authentication attempts on
port 25.

> --
> best regards,
> Thomas

I hope some of that helps.


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