On 17.05.23 22:11, Alex via Postfix-users wrote:
I'm using postfix (postmulti) with amavisd and trying to have separate
content filters based on the domain so I can make decisions on the destiny
of the email from within amavisd. Currently all mail is processed by the
same amavisd policy_bank.

so, amavis returns mail to postfix always the same way?

The problem now is that mail is being sent
through the content filter designated in my transport map as well as the
default transport filter.

So, when amavis sends mail back to postfix, it gets filtered again.

default_transport = smtp:[]:10024
local_transport = error:5.1.1 Mailbox unavailable
relay_transport = $default_transport
transport_maps = ${indexed}transport
virtual_transport = $default_transport

  example.com        relay:[]:10029

How do I exclude example.com from also being sent through 10024? Is it
necessary to then disable the default transport altogether and explicitly
list all relay_domains?

I recall having some difficulty with transport maps when I first set up
this multi-instance postfix, and Viktor helped me. I had content_filter
defined as:

content_filter = smtp-amavis[]:10024

and the following service defined in master.cf:
smtp-amavis unix    -       -       n       -       2   smtp
   -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
   -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
   -o disable_dns_lookups=yes
   -o max_use=20

disable content filter for the instance of postfix that accepts mail from amavis. You can do that here by using:

    -o content_filter=

even without using postmulti.

but that was disabled when I moved to a multi-instance postfix in favor of
transport maps, but I think I'm still confused.

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