On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 09:49:58AM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
<postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:

> Bernardo Reino via Postfix-users:
> > >> I cannot imagine why/when the cerbot client would fail to run the
> > >> post-hooks (in a sane environment).
> > >
> > > Systems crash.  What are the reliability guarantees from the certbot
> > > client: will it run once, or will it somehow maintain state and
> > > recover when a run was interrupted by a system crash?
> >
> > In such cases, and/or just "on top" of the certbot renewal hooks,
> > one could have a cron job doing "postmap" and/or "postfix reload"
> > or whatever, as Viktor wrote.  (but again, then your cron job must
> > make sure that certbot is not (con)currently running).
> In other words, reliable execution requires a cron job, idempotent
> actions, and a locking mechanism.
>       Wietse

I once wrote a nice little tool called "noexcuses"
(https://github.com/raforg/noexcuses) that can be used
in crontabs to ensure that a cronjob would run until it
succeeded. It would run the cronjob, and if it failed,
it would become a daemon retrying occasionally until
someone fixed whatever the problem was so that the
cronjob could succeed. If the cronhost was down when
the cronjob was supposed to run (or crashed before
success), it would detect that when the cronhost came
back up. It could even migrate lost cronjobs to a new
cronhost if the old cronhost couldn't be brought back
up in time (if its state is stored on a remote
fileserver). It's each cronjob's responsibility to
indicate success/failure by its exit code, and to be
idempotent. It was very handy when I had system
administrators who were careless in the machine room.
It could probably be used without cron, but it was
really aimed at making cronjobs reliable.


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