On 2023-09-03 at 16:03:02 UTC-0400 (Sun, 3 Sep 2023 22:03:02 +0200)
roughnecks via Postfix-users <roughne...@woodpeckersnest.eu>
is rumored to have said:

> Hello, first time here.
> I'm struggling with an issue for a .space domain which gets triggered by 
> Spamassassin as PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD (Unthrustworty TLDs). Gmail is rejecting 
> all of my emails for that reason.


To the best of the my knowledge (and as far as I know, the other members of the 
SpamAssassin PMC's knowledge,) GMail does not use SpamAssassin. I have never 
seen solid evidence of ANY of the top 10 mailbox providers using SA, and I 
would be surprised if any were using it. Employees and ex-employees of MS, 
Google, pre- and post-merger AOL/Yahoo/Oath, and GMX have at various points 
over the past decade denied using SA in public, and I believe them.

> I recently bought this new .eu domain

That's a fun idea, but it may not help you. It has been claimed here and on the 
MailOp list based on anecdotal evidence that GMail disfavors the .eu TLD. No 
definitive public evidence of this exists, but there are anecdotes and 
conjectural rationales...

> and trying to fix the issue I set up a virtual alias domain in postfix.
> Now I can send my mails (changing sender address from space to eu) using the 
> same users I had (have) for the .space domain without issues, even to google 
> but if I perform an online test for the .eu domain, it still references my 
> .space domain and I don't know where that is coming from..
> Here's my latest test: https://www.mail-tester.com/test-w8p3e18tf

That site has many problems:

1. It has been chronically out-of-date on SA code, rules, and scores.
2. It inexplicably reverses the sign on SA scores, causing needless confusion.
3. It SOLELY reflects the spam filtering choices of whoever is running it.
4. It fails to make clear that it does not and cannot provide insights into 
anyone else's spam filtering.
5. It implies a FALSE and BAD impression that all mail which is not spam can be 
6. Many years of BAD operation has sent a steady trickle of poor innocents here 
and to the SA Bugzilla making false assertions like yours above and wasting 
everyone's time.

> For that test I also tried changing my server's hostname and PTR to make it 
> point to the new eu domain, to no avail.
> Can anyone help me solve this issue?

Google *could* but they don't really do that for senders. They do not seem to 
consider their misclassification of email to be a problem worth solving for 

There are professional "Deliverability Consultants" who may be able to aid you 
with delivery to the behemoth mailbox providers, but I have no specific 
knowledge of the quality or affordability of any particular firm.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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