Dear Brent,

I must confess that my attempts to do this are so far proving very unsuccessful

If  I run the following query:

SELECT  (ST_SummaryStats(ST_Union(rast))).sum AS sum
FROM  (SELECT ST_MapAlgebra(deposition.rast, concentrated.rast, 'CASE WHEN 
[rast2] > 0.0 THEN [rast1] ELSE NULL END' ) As rast
            FROM mymodel.deposition, mymodel.concentrated
            WHERE ST_Intersects(deposition.rast, concentrated.rast) AND 
deposition.rid=1 ) foo ;

It takes around 30 seconds to complete as I assume it is only looking at one 
tile(they are 256x256 pixels) i.e. rid 1. It is not easy to check the sum – for 
that I need one complete raster.

For the record this was marginally faster than
SELECT (ST_SummaryStats(ST_Union(rast))).sum AS sum
FROM (SELECT ST_MapAlgebra(deposition.rast, concentrated.rast, 'CASE WHEN 
[rast2] > 0.0 THEN [rast1] ELSE NULL END' ) As rast
            FROM mymodel.deposition, mymodel.concentrated
            WHERE mymodel.deposition.filename='10_depo.tif' AND 
ST_UpperleftX(mymodel.deposition.rast) = 
ST_UpperleftX(mymodel.concentrated.rast) AND
                         ST_UpperleftY(mymodel.deposition.rast) = 
ST_UpperleftY(mymodel.deposition.rast) ) foo ;
Even after I built indexes for the clauses after the WHERE.

Now there are 144 tiles in each of the rasters I want to perform this operation 
on.  Logic would therefore suggest this should take ~4500s

However when I perform the following query

SELECT  (ST_SummaryStats(ST_Union(rast))).sum AS sum
FROM  (SELECT ST_MapAlgebra(deposition.rast, concentrated.rast, 'CASE WHEN 
[rast2] > 0.0 THEN [rast1] ELSE NULL END' ) As rast
            FROM mymodel.deposition, mymodel.concentrated
            WHERE ST_Intersects(deposition.rast, concentrated.rast) AND 
deposition.filename='10_depo.tif' ) foo ;

The query is still running after 18000s!  I must therefore assume I have done 
something wrong but as you may have guessed the answer eludes me.

Any further suggestions would be welcome but I will continue to try and find a 
solution as I have 135 rasters to perform this operations on now and 
potentially many thousands more in the future.




From: postgis-users [] On Behalf Of 
Darrel Maddy
Sent: 24 November 2015 19:52
To: Brent Wood <>;
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Help with SQL query?

Dear Brent,

Many thanks. The data are tiled (256x256) hence the large number of rows from 
the original 135 tifs. I did not build any indexes however, so I will do some 
reading and see how best to approach that (the threads you listed look useful 
so thanks for that).

I will run some additional mini queries limited to just one comparison and 
check using QGIS as you suggest – I probably should have done that first!

My workstation has 64GB Ram and I would be surprised if it was significantly 
caching to disk. I also have a hexacore intel extreme processor so I would not 
expect this to be hardware limited. I must confess I expected it to finish 
within a couple of hours.

Anyhow very many thanks. I will continue to explore and report back hopefully 
with positive news.


From: Brent Wood []
Sent: 24 November, 2015 7:36 PM
To: Darrel Maddy 
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Help with SQL query?

Indexing can improve performance by 100s of x, without them things can be slow. 
Also, did you tile the images when you imported them? If not, then each 
iteration is working through all the pixels in the image, rather than a small 
subset. Essentially with tiles, you have a deep (long) table rather than a wide 
one. RDBMSs work better with lots of small records than a few wide ones, 
especially when indexes are used.

This might help:

and see the raster tutorial they mention for the SRTM data, as to how that is 
loaded into Postgis:

To test the logic (the syntax is correct or it wouldn't be working) you could 
add to the "where" clause an extra filter so that only a small subset of the 
entire dataset is included (like just one QGIS operation) then compare this 
with the QGIS result.

That would be much faster that testing on the entire dataset. Once you know it 
is correct for the test case(s), then you can run it on the complete set.

Note that some queries can build up large in-memory objects, so make sure your 
system is not swapping to disk, as that will also slow things down (hugely).


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