Mark Cave-Ayland schrieb:
On Thursday 06 March 2008 11:15:47 Christian Schaffer wrote:

Hi Mark,

thanks for your reply.
I included the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the postrgres user´s .profile, but bo
success yet. Do I have to set any of those parameters in postgresql.conf?
shared_preload_libraries = ''
#dynamic_library_path = '$libdir'
#local_preload_libraries = ''

Hi Chris,

No, those parameters are fine as they are.

I'm not sure that changes to the .profile will get placed into the environment if you launch a PostgreSQL instance from a script in /etc/init.d. You may need to tweak the init.d script to add a "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=foo" clause in the command line that launches pg_ctl.


Hi Mark,

I did place a "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=foo" and "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH" into the /etc/init.d script already, but it didn´t work. Your hint to put the clause in the command line that launches pg_ctl did the job. Problem solved!

Thank you very much for helping.
Best regards,

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