On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 6:28 AM, Gis Mage <gism...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm importing a Float32 type GeoTiff to postgis.
> When I'm importing a raster to just one record (without -t parameter),
> then resulting raster looks ok in qgis.
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7488735/untiled.png
> When I use a -t 10x10 parameter to load the raster as tiles, the sql
> is generated without any errors, psql loads it without any errors
> aswell, I get the expected number of rows in the table, but when I
> load it in qgis, it looks corrupted - I see lots of corrupted tiles in
> the picture, like this:
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7488735/tiled.png
> I get a lot of nodata pixels, where there is data in the initial raster.
> I'm using postgresql 9.1.4 + postgis 2.0.1
> Is it a problem with float32 rasters?
> Does raster2pgplsql use gdal_retile.py script?
> Could it be a gdal problem, or it is a problem during loading?
> I tried both with -Y parameter and without it, and result looks ugly
> in both cases.


It sounds like you are experiencing an issue similar to that described
in ticket #1808.


I've been unable to reproduce the problem on my systems using test
rasters matching the attributes of the raster causing the issue.  Are
you able to share your source raster?


Bborie Park
Center for Vectorborne Diseases
UC Davis
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