Sure, the raster I'm trying to load is here:

> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 6:28 AM, Gis Mage <> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I'm importing a Float32 type GeoTiff to postgis.
>> When I'm importing a raster to just one record (without -t parameter),
>> then resulting raster looks ok in qgis.
>> When I use a -t 10x10 parameter to load the raster as tiles, the sql
>> is generated without any errors, psql loads it without any errors
>> aswell, I get the expected number of rows in the table, but when I
>> load it in qgis, it looks corrupted - I see lots of corrupted tiles in
>> the picture, like this:
>> I get a lot of nodata pixels, where there is data in the initial raster.
>> I'm using postgresql 9.1.4 + postgis 2.0.1
>> Is it a problem with float32 rasters?
>> Does raster2pgplsql use script?
>> Could it be a gdal problem, or it is a problem during loading?
>> I tried both with -Y parameter and without it, and result looks ugly
>> in both cases.
> Hi,
> It sounds like you are experiencing an issue similar to that described
> in ticket #1808.
> I've been unable to reproduce the problem on my systems using test
> rasters matching the attributes of the raster causing the issue.  Are
> you able to share your source raster?
> -bborie
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