On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Serge Wroclawski <emac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For potatch2, especially, I foresee developers customising it for
> various use cases (like I'm doing), and git is very useful here
> because it allows someone to customize their instance while keeping up
> to date with the core.

This is what's been happening with the MapQuest version of potlatch2
for the last few months - I was using git-svn for the core work, and
then maintaining the MQ version in a branch and publishing that branch
to a separate git repository. Now I need to do some work to rebase all
the changes onto the new repo, since TomH's version has better commit
attribution and all the SHA1s have changed!

I see all this as helping us move to having multiple versions of
potlatch2, where the one deployed on osm.org is just one of many of
varying levels of customisation.


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