On 26 November 2011 12:32, NopMap <ekkeh...@gmx.de> wrote:

> I played at migrating to P2.3 again and ran into a few problems.

Hi Nop,

First off, two apologies. P2.3 was released with a major upgrade to
the flex libraries that pretty much broke i18n completely, although
due to the seemingly never-ending saga of me being unable to reproduce
problems meant that it wasn't explained clearly in the release


Second apology is in not getting back to you at the weekend, since I
knew I was going to be doing a lot of work around i18n and hoping to
fix things. See the other thread for more on this.

Now, to your points:

> Is there a full set or browsable instance of the locales somewhere?

See http://random.dev.openstreetmap.org/potlatch2/ which is a
continually updated build of potlatch2 with directory browsing
enabled. I've also added a trac ticket
http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4112 to provide bundled builds in
order to cut down on these hassles.

> 2. setting the locale. How do you do that in P2.3? The parameter format has
> changed, it used to be fo.addVariable("locale", "de_DE"); but what is it
> now?

Try again with 2.3-112 or later, it should be working, thanks to work
by Hiroshi.

> 3. Config files. There was a hint earlier in this thread that the config
> file format has slightly changed. At first glance, my unchanged files appear
> to work. Can you give me more information where adjustments are necessary?

I'm not sure which config files you are referring to, but perhaps
Richard can describe more the subcategory panels work.

> 4. Authorization. P2.3 asked for a fresh authorization key. What changes
> cause it to do that? That request seems to pop up from time to time, I found
> that I had about 10 authrizations in my osm account. The question is also
> asked occasionally by users.

That will happen when either the flash cookies are cleared, or the
.swf is served from a different URL. Perhaps your users have browser
privacy plugins that are clearing saved flash cookies?

> When i executed the authorization, I had firebug running as I used it to spy
> on P2. This caused Firefox to always crash after the authorization window
> opened. After disabling firebug it worked. Is this a known problem?

Haven't heard of that before.


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