Another note - if you want the altered hosts file to work in OS X, there are some steps you have to do:

1. Open the hosts file in pico using the sudo command so you can get root privileges for the purposes of saving. Normally etc/hosts cannot be overwritten, but if you type "sudo pico hosts" instead of just "pico hosts" it will give you root privileges. Just be careful! If you mess things up as root, you may have to reinstall the OS!

2. Make sure you're saving over the previous hosts file instead of in a different place. In pico, this involves hitting control-T (to files) and using the browser to locate the original Hosts file. You have to select Hosts in the file listing and hit return, and it should ask you if you want to overwrite. Type "y" for yes and it will do so. As far as I know you'll have to do this every time you save your modifications (i.e. whenever you add another host).

3. You have to open Directory Access and enable BSD Flat Files before it'll work in OS X. Directory Access is located in Applications/Utilities/ in the default OS X installation. Just check the box and click Apply, then quit. It should work. If not, try quitting and starting up your browser. Then go back and check to make sure you did all the steps correctly. If you did, it SHOULD work, although I've had some problems. They mainly come from not saving the hosts file over the old hosts file.


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