My Reply follows quote. On 19/02/2004 17:26 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:  

>>> One more question--Is there any way to make the trackball on my 165 roll a
>>> little smoother? It sort of catches a little bit and feels a little grainy
>>> as I move it. I've cleaned the works underneath pretty thoroughly with
>>> alcohol, but I won't be squirting any WD-40 or something down there unless
>>> someone says it's OK. Thanks, Denny
>> -----------------------
>> Generally, track balls get "rough" when there is something stuck on one
>> of the rollers. Make sure you polish them well!
>> Ken
>Ken-I'm not sure exactly what you mean by polish the rollers. I used alcohol
>on a cotton swab to clean the rollers. Is there anything else I could do?
What I meant was, once you open the "ring" and take out the ball, I clean 
off the three rollers with something like a pencil eraser to make sure 
they are smooth. I have found pitting from rust on them sometimes 
(probably condensation from moist hands or some such).


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