Last few days, all the sudden I am getting incomplete SPAM mails into
Inbox.  The mail only has From but nothing else.  No "To", no "Subject",
no "Reply-to", nor body.  I am getting them a lot, and I have been
hitting Cmd+Y like a mad man.

I thought either PM or SpamSieve would do something about it but to no avail.

I seems to be unable to find the way to filter them.  If I make "To
_is_" then leave the field blank, the filter does nothing.  Any
suggestion would be appreciated.

These days, I am a little skeptical about SPAM filters.  I found I
almost missed an important message which was directed to me by my valid
mail address and display name.  It was in the SPAM folder, and contains
no SPAM keyword.  I get 300-500 SPAM mails a day so I think I was pure
lucky to see this one, but who knows if I am missing more.  It is almost
impossible to go through all the SPAM one by one before deleting.

And now this.  When I opened Filter, I found entry duplicates which
shouldn't be there.  I have two "Trash" filters after PM's SPAM filter
to trash whatever missed.  Why I have two trash filters is because one
can contain only 16 instances.  Anyway, the top of the 2nd Trash filter
is "Body starts with ('Dear Homeowner')".  I just found out this
condition was repeated 3 times in the filter.  When/how it happened, I
don't know, but certainly I didn't do it!


- Hiro


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