I guess they have to change the IDE as CodeWarrior is litarally dead and
converting a project to from CW to XCode can cause some major headache
for the developers. 
So we will patiently wait, wish em good coding and hope there will be
also a better IMAP implemantation in the new version ;-)

All the best


Admilon Consulting GmbH
Tel. +81-736-56-3905

Am/On Fri, 9 Jun 2006 09:44:40 -0400 schrieb/wrote Michael Lewis:

>PowerMail Engineering sez:
>>PowerMail is more unstable when running with Rosetta. We are working
>>hard on a universal binary version of PowerMail; it's neither an easy or
>>fun task, but we are progressing significantly.
>This is good to know as I prepare to switch to the Intel Mac myself
>(maybe later this year; maybe next unless I win the lottery :) ). It's
>interesting to read the accounts of developers and creating universal
>binaries. Some seem to have very few issues and complete the change very
>quickly, and others run into some major hurdles. I wouldn't have thought
>an EMail program would be one to take a while, but I'm not a programmer,
>so now I know! :)
>Thank you for the brief but helpful progress report, Jerome!
>Michael Lewis
>Off Balance Productions

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