Hi Frank,

I think you are misunderstanding the problem. But I do appreciate the
effort. :)

>Hello Barbara and Evie,
>I suspect I don't know any more than you do - or understand any better! I
>came into this discussion a bit late so am not sure what has been
>suggested before.
>You suggested that Evie try to find the attachments somewhere on her hard
>drive and I was trying to help her to do this.
>Like you (presumably), I suspected that she might have inadvertently
>designated a folder other than the default ^/Mail/Power Mail Files/
>Attachments to collect her attachments.
>If the attachments are nowhere to be found, my next question would have
>been to ask Evie if she could have trashed the emails and emptied the
>trash without first moving the attachments out of the default folder. As
>you know, this would have automatically deleted the attachments along
>with the emails.
>(To avoid this, I have created an 'Attachments OK' folder next to the
>above default folder and move the attachments that I want to keep into it.)
>Another possibility is that some email groups automatically delete all
>attachments from messages to avoid transmitting viruses, but I don't know
>whether Evie's messages came from such a group or not.
>Good luck, Evie,
>>Frank, see below; I think I misunderstood her question and perhaps you
>>can figure out what she should do:
>>Frank Mitchell on 4/28/05 said
>>>Hello Evie,
>>>>Evie Leder on 4/27/05 said
>>>>>I'm sorry about asking this again, but I am perplexed and frustrated. 
>>>>>Jerome said:
>>>>>>extracted and saved in your PowerMail attachment
>>>>>This never happened, they did not get imported into PM. Now what?
>>>>>Please help?
>>>>OK... a couple of questions. Do you know where these attachments are at
>>>>all? Are they completely lost, or can you identify a folder that they are
>>>>in. That's just a beginning question to start from.
>>>The names of the attachments should still be listed at the bottom of the
>>>emails to which they were attached.
>>>Do a Find (command - f) on your hard drive for one of more of the
>>>name(s). If you still have them they will probably all be in the same
>-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona

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