Evie Leder on 4/28/05 said

>That's what I thought, too. But, I tried moving an attachment to the new
>folder. I quit and restarted PM. The link in the email still reads:

Ahh... I think I see. Rick did not say, quit and restart PowerMail. He
said de-select and re-select the MESSAGE. Does that work? On one e-mail
and its lost or not-lost attachment?

>This message has the following attachments:
>       file://localhost/Users/evie/Library/Mail/Attachments/2004-10001%20-
>But it is not greyed out, but it does not link to the new location. I
>tried using the "Reattach lost attachments" but no luck. If I move the
>file back to the path in the above link, it works again.
>Thanks again for the replies. :)
>>Evie, I think you may be worrying unnecessarily! If the attachments exist
>>as files and those files are already linked to the emails in PowerMail
>>(and those links are live, ie. not greyed out) the you should be home and
>>dry, because PM should keep track of the attachments as you move them
>>There is something to note here however: if you have a message selected
>>and move its attachment in the finder, the attachment in PM will become
>>greyed out. "Oh no!"you think, "It's lost the link!". But it hasn't
>>deselect the message and reselect it again, and you'll see that your
>>attachment link is as good as new, as PM has tracked its prey to its new
>>So: IF your attachments are already linked to the correct emails, my bet
>>is that if you move the attachments PM will keep track of where they are.
>>Try it with just one and see.
>>Hope this helps;
>>G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.8  ::  PM 5.1  ::  3 pane mode
>>Original message:
>>Received from Evie Leder on 28/4/05 at 7:20 pm
>>>The attachments are located in the Home->Library->Mail->Attachments folder
>>>The emails are LINKED to the attachments. At the bottom of the email
>>>there is a link that says:
>>>This message has the following attachments:
>>>     file://localhost/Users/evie/Library/Mail/Attachments/2004-10001%20-
>>>But, I see this as a problem. I want them to be in my PM attachments
>>>folder. Plus, recently I had to re-install ALL of my software, and
>>>inadvertantly did not back up Mail, because, well, I don't use Mail.
>>>Luckily I had a backup and was able to restore all of my old attachments.
>>>Jerome said that PM should import all of the attachments, but it did not.
>>>And now I am months into using PM and my attachments, while still
>>>attached, live in Mail's attachments folder. Not good.
>>>Does that help explain it a bit better?
>>>All new incoming attachments DO go into the PM Attachments folder.
>>>I'd like to move all the attachments to PM attachments folder, but will
>>>have to relink them 1 by 1, right? 
>>>Thanks for replying!

Barbara Needham

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