you didn't told us this ....

in this case you can use the filter approach together with an apple
script to do so.

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +81-736-56-3905
Am/On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:23:38 +0200 schrieb/wrote Rene Merz:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] has written:
>>in the same tab (locations), did you fill those fields, use always smtp
>>server .... ?
>No, I didn't, because of this:
>Each of my accounts on it's specific mail server gets automaticly
>redirected to a somehow hidden "central account" where from I download
>all mails at once.
>And this main account opens also the SMTP gate for all replies.
>(I know, that this central account SMTP source will be written into each
>mail header information of my replies, but it doesn't matter, as long as
>my "reply to" address is the concerning one.)
>>I have also several accounts and when I press the reply button always the
>>right account is used, so you must do something different then.
>So I will try the script solution proposed by Pat.
>But it will take a while until I can check-it out.
>Thank you anyway!

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