
I think you can adjust that under schedules and locations.
In the third tab, locations, there is a checkbox under default account.
Make sure this checkbox is not checked.

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +81-736-56-3905
Am/On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 08:30:08 +0200 schrieb/wrote Rene Merz:

>I have several mail accounts. Let's call them A, B, C ...
>They differ by names or/and my jobs.
>For all exist different sender addresses and mail accounts.
>"A" is the main-account (first on the account list).
>When a mail comes-in to account "B" and I reply it, in my answer mail PM
>fills-in as standard my sender address of the main-account "A".
>In some cases this is unwelcome and, of course, I can correct-it manually
>by choosing the concerned account.
>But I have to watch-out strongly!
>I did'nt find out how to persuade PM for all reply cases to fill-in by
>standard my sender address of the concerned mail account: "A" only for
>replies to mails went to "A", "B" for "B", "C" for "C" ...
>Is there a way?

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