> Since you saved your
>old files and you were able to go back to 4.2, first try starting up
>powermail 4.2 with both the apple and alt keys down - then click all the
>boxes to rebuild the database files, and disable all indexing.  That
>might be enough to repair any damage and let you upgrade.

I tried that. It didn't help.


>in my wife's case, this still did not let us upgrade - apparently there were
>still corrupt messages in her database file still that screwed up PM5 -
>and when building the sort index, it choked on these messages. 

Apparently that's the case with me.

> You have
>to find them and get rid of them, which can only be done by tedious trial
>and error.  

There are 15,000 messages in the Database! It's impossible.

Are you telling me that the Message Database File is corrupted in some
way and can't be fixed otherwise? If so, by paying$$ and upgrading, I've
lost all sorting functions for all existing messages?  Holy &^%$*!!!  
And if so, how do I ever get  PM 5.0 to even open??


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