It appears that on 3/5/04 Robert Snyder spake thus:

>I am sure this has been answered on this list, but I missed it. I have a
>valid PowerMail 4.x license and would like to try PowerMail 5.0 beta, but
>my mail folder far exceeds the demo's limits. 
>Earlier today I went to the PowerMail site and purchaed the $29 upgrade
>to 5.0 from 4.x, but have gotten no reply other than that my card will
>not be billed until the full 5.0 version is released. Is that when I will
>get my 5.0 key? 
>Also, I already have a SpamSieve license. I like that PM now includes
>SpamSeive, but I don't like that I now have to purchase it a second time. 
>Any advice?
Yes, read the docs. 
You don't have to purchase SpamSieve twice, if you already have a license
you just buy the upgrade to PM. Simple.
>PowerMail  3.x / 4.x to 5 upgrade(s) at $29 each*
>PowerMail  3.x / 4.x to 5 upgrade(s) with SpamSieve  bundle at US $45 each*

Pat O'Halloran   
Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It 
made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to 
pass it on - Terry Pratchett

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