
Am/On Fri, 1 Sep 2006 23:30:48 +0200 schrieb/wrote Mikael Byström:

>I will do that with the crash log.

send him also the message in question.
Mail works entirely with unicode and it's always easier to convert
everything to Unicode.
PM still works with scripts, which do depend on fonts. This might
explain your problem.
It also could happen that the conversion routine might crash under some
wired circumstances.
This whole conversion thing is not always a piece of cake ;-)
In your case it looks like a font-issue.

>I never received the message though.

this is what I meant, that you have some mail-problems, which have
nothing at all to do with PM.

>>I have the impression you have a serious problem with your mail-server
>>or your mail-setup and not with PM itself.
>1. I have no other serious problems.

well, I really hope you don't have, but that you're healthy and happy,
besides some minor little glitches with e-mail ;-)

>2. The message can imported to "Mail" and displayed no problem
>3. The message can imported to "PowerMail" which crashes.
>....then, how likely is it that my problem is what you suggest?

>I need to get a better email account as I seem to lose messages.

I could help you out with that one, just send me a pm :-)

take care and all the best

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