
there are 2 approaches to solve multi-language problems:

- Unicode in different variants. This requires a unicode font.
Unicode text is usually much bigger than normal text, because you need
up to 4 characters to encode one letter.
Unicode fonts are also much bigger than normal fonts, because they
include thousands a characters from different writing systems, like arab
or chinese.

- you use script-based system, which is using different scripts and code
pages for different languages. This requires different fonts (Osaka for
Japanese for example) for every language. This is what the wast text
engine is doing.

For more information on that stuff you can read:

All the best


Admilon Consulting GmbH
Tel. +81-736-56-3905

Am/On Sun, 3 Sep 2006 16:06:49 +0200 schrieb/wrote Mikael Byström:

>Thanks for your response, Matthias.
>you said:
>>>I will do that with the crash log.
>>send him also the message in question.
>That was implied.
>>PM still works with scripts, which do depend on fonts. This might
>>explain your problem.
>Could you elaborate here? Are you saying PowerMails text engine works
>with scripts?  Aren't PowerMail still based on the WASTE engine? WASTE
>was written in C as far as I understand it. No scripts involved.
>>It also could happen that the conversion routine might crash under some
>>wired circumstances.
>>This whole conversion thing is not always a piece of cake ;-)
>>In your case it looks like a font-issue.
>Please explain why a faulty font would give different results when
>displaying an asian char in this font in Mail vs PowerMail? Checking for
>font repair with Apples font tool does not indicate any problems. I'll
>replace them nevertheless, as there could be a problem.
>>>I never received the message though.
>>this is what I meant, that you have some mail-problems, which have
>>nothing at all to do with PM.
>These are two different (!) accounts. Your conclusion is based on
>assumption, not fact.
>Anyway, for the time being I can live with the situation. I do hope that
>Jérôme et. al can make use if the message and crash log and find the
>cause and fix it.
>Here's for hope.
>PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.5 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD

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