On   Monday, May 28, 2007,   Mikael Byström   sent forth:

>Rene Merz suggested:
>>The header, integrated in the text body, of messages which are ready for
>>forwarding has a little bug:
>>The sending and receiving datas shows allways the same day and the same
>>time - which cannot be.
>This is not the case in my setup. At least not if you what you meant was
>that two identical messages will have the same date always.

No, I don't think that's what he means at all.

Try a test.  After reading this message, click the Forward button.  You
should notice some header information inserted into the message below a
line of dashes.  What do the dates show?

To Rene,

I have this vague recollection of a similar date issue coming up in a
previous version of PowerMail.  I can't find it in my archive so check
the online one.  Here is the relevant info on accessing the archive,
which goes back to 2002:

>Hello all,
>our archive is online and live.
>You can browns and search it under this address:
>or as a short cut you can use this one:

Tim Lapin
Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400    OS 10.3.9    PowerMail 5.5.3     640 MB RAM     2x40 GB HDs

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