Charles, dear Mr. Darby,

My masters dropped the ball a number of times, but I thank you for
pinging me since I have no access to the keyboard otherwise.

On a more serious note: yes, it is possible to redirect an HTML message
(forwarding will only forward its text portion, since we do not include
an HTML editor in the product) and we have not been able to reproduce
anything such as the disappearance of an address. 

Finally, two comments: one is that Charlie is right, we are thinking of
a forum-like format although more for FoxTrot than for PowerMail, since
the dynamic and contributions on powermail-discuss are pretty exceptional.

The other comment is that I sometimes get discouraged by certain support
messages who are repeatedly abrasive, terse or rude in their e-mails.
Developers, and their cats, have feelings too (I regret to confess this)...

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