On 13/7/07, Winston Weinmann, discombobulated, unleashed:

>With all due respect, my experience is that CTM never answers help
>requests. I could copy them here, which would be tedious, but I assure
>you they have all been polite.
>The reason I find CTM's lack of support particularly disturbing is that
>they have stated on their web site that they will get back to users
>within a couple of days. I am sure this was CTM's intent when that was
>written, but they have not followed through.
>My suggestion to CTM is to confess that they are unable or unwilling to
>spend the time on individual support requests, and to strongly encourage
>those with problems to address them to the PowerMail discussion mailing
>list, as this is the only place they are likely to get help.
>The disadvantage of the mailing list is that everyone on the list has to
>receive every email for every topic. This comes close to being spam-like
>in its effect. The disadvantage, of course, is that it keeps a larger
>community informed of questions than a forum might.
>However, the "spam" problem of the mailing list I am sure discourages
>many people from signing up at all.

With no respect at all, may I suggest that you unsubscribe from this
spam list and help cut down on wasted bandwidth?



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