One tiny but tedious routine in PowerMail (and probably other mail
clients, as well - I'm only familiar with PM), is entering the auto-fill
address when sending an e-mail.

Let's say that I have addresses for a Thomas A, a Thomas B, a Thomas C,
D & F.  I haven't e-mailed Thomas A in three years, I rarely correspond
with Thomas B or Thomas F, Thomas C is a dead-end contact, but I want to
keep him in my address book, but I e-mail Thomas D every day or so.

The way PM sorts the names, I either have to type all of the way out to
the beginning of the last name, or start typing and use the mouse or
arrow to select Thomas D.  It's a small bother.

While saving a number of files in Photoshop yesterday, it dawned on me. 
I saved the first file as a .jpg.  The option box came up with Quality
12 (maximum) preselected.  I wanted to save at 10, and changed the
setting.  The same for file number 2.  But by file 3 or 4, Photoshop had
figured out what I wanted, and the rest of the Save dialogs came up with
10 as the default.

Can a dose of intelligence be added to PowerMail so that it knows (or
tries to guess) which Thomas I am most likely to be e-mailing, and save
the repetitive scrolling?

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.

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