Am/On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 02:33:49 +0100 schrieb/wrote MB:

>Barbara Needham told:
>>I have noticed this as well. The trouble is that I think I might be
>>behind on version, now 5.2.1.
>I think you're right that this problem have been around for some time.
>>It happens when connected via pop also. Once in a while it waits.
>I haven't experienced this yet with POP. Is it actually the same dialog?
>please folks, anyone else can verifiy this behaviour with IMAP connections?

I just tried that and it looks like something pops up, but disappears so
quickly, that I even don't see it.
PM just disconnects from the imap account and quits, just as I would
expect it.

And btw, it looks to me the imap implementation has improved :-)

The search in PM has improved a lot.
Well done - Thanks ctmdev :-)

this is PM5.6.1 on an intel MacBookPro, running Leopard

Thanks and all the best


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