Joe Hallett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Here is the problem: We frequently receive messages that are addressed
> to each of us as individuals. The filters treat each copy as if it were
> a new message. This results in forwarding duplicate copies, confusing
> our filing and labeling system, and causing extra manual effort to sort
> things out.
> How can I flag these messages and apply unique processing depending upon
> whether our names both appear in the address fields?

In this case, there are really two messages being sent; it is not a case
of "as if". Of course, you can filter for messages sent to both of you
(both addresses appearing in "TO" fields), but there will still be
duplicate mails to be dealt with -- there will always be two separate
mails, both addressed to both of you.

You might filter for mails that are (1) addressed to you, (2) addressed
to your wife, and (3) retrieved using you wife's account, and discard
those. Then you can apply all the normal actions to the copy retrieved
using your own account. Assuming that you both regularly retrieve mails
from all accounts, rather than just your own, this should work
reasonably well. Otherwise, your will wife would see those mails only
after you have retrieved yours.

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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