On Jan 16, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Michael J. Hußmann wrote:

> Anyway, if Apple Mail was the yardstick against all other mail clients
> were to be measured, why would anyone be using something else? I for one
> am glad there are alternatives to Apple Mail. PM could surely be
> improved, but making it more like Apple Mail is not what I would call an
> improvement.
> - Michael

I agree. While I have switched to Apple Mail for the time being, and I agree 
PowerMail could use some new doodads, I don't think making it show all HTML 
mail stuff is good -- at least without options/preferences for some heavy 
customization of what is and isn't shown.

I've stayed on the list because I do like PowerMail and want to watch what is 
happening with it. I hope it remains an alternative to HTML/styled email (which 
I still hate despite going to Apple Mail to deal with some mail I get now :( ), 
with enough HTML capability to make several users happy, but the ability to 
turn it off in bits and pieces as needed by others like me.

Michael Lewis

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