Jefferis Peterson hat am Mittwoch, 25. August 2010 geschrieben:

>> How?
>> Once you work with PM, the other time with Entourage?
>> Sounds crazy ...
>> You cannot work with two different mail programs. Of course you can, but
>> problems are preprogrammed.
>Come on it isn't that complex.  I have a laptop. On the laptop when I am
>away, I check POP  email on my site. I sort the mail as it comes in. I'm
>testing PM as a replacement for Entourage.
>When I get home, I fire up my desktop and run Entourage. All the email not
>manually deleted in PM on the laptop SHOULD remain on the server for
>download in Entourage.
>What I found is that some of the messages that should have been left on the
>server were gone.

I don't know how Entourage works, but I guess it's different from PM ...

Just for such cases (mobile mailing _and_ home/office mailing with the
same account) an IMAP4 account should be your method of choice! It's
much better and safer then a POP3 account.

To understand the big difference have a look at this:


Helpful for the IMAP installation on PM:

And finally:
You better work with the same mail software on laptop and home pc.

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