
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Pakistan doesn't want a 'Talibanised' Afghanistan

 * COAS says Pakistan does not want to control Afghanistan 
* Peace in Afghanistan crucial to Pakistan's long-term interests 
* NATO told to fully realise Pakistan's strategic paradigm 

Staff Report 

RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Kayani has denied that Pakistan 
wants a "Talibanised" Afghanistan, and said his country has no interest in 
controlling Afghanistan. 

"We can't wish for anything for Afghanistan that we don't wish for ourselves," 
Kayani was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency on his return from Brussels 
in a rare address to foreign journalists - much of which was devoted to 

Kayani said peace and stability in Afghanistan were crucial to Islamabad's 
long-term interests. 

He said Pakistan's military operations in 2009 had helped improve the situation 
in Afghanistan in terms of squeezing of spaces, better control of areas and a 
continuous flow of logistics.

The army chief said he had told NATO commanders that "our strategic paradigm 
needs to be fully realised". He said Pakistan was the second largest Muslim 
nation in the world and located in a strategic region defined by competing 
interests with a prolonged history of conflict. 

Kayani said Pakistan had contributed to peace and stability in Afghanistan. He 
said the country had the resolve to overcome the menace inside its own 
territory and had public support for it. He said human and economic losses in 
the war on terror had failed to deter Pakistan's resolve. 

"Pakistan has suffered the maximum in terms of human and economic losses 
because of terrorism and violent extremism, but it has not dented the resolve 
of the nation and armed forces to fight and eliminate the terrorism in 
accordance with our national interests." 

Kayani said Pakistan's operations were currently in a transitory phase. "We 
must consolidate our gains and fully stabilise the areas secured, lest they 
fall back to terrorists. Constraints of capability to absorb and operate, 
limited cutting edge counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism capability and 
limited budgetary space should be factored in." 

The army chief said he had conveyed the concerns, challenges, contributions and 
constraints of Pakistan in the fight against the terrorists. He said he had 
highlighted key issues of the conflict that needed to be fully understood and 

Interacting with military chiefs in Brussels, Kayani said he drew their 
attention to the sacrifices Pakistan had made. he said public opinion, media 
support, the army's capability and resolve, a comprehensive strategy and the 
concept that it was "our war" had helped turn the tide against terrorism. 

Kayani also offered to train the Afghan Army and police. "We have also offered 
to train Afghanistan's army and police, as we have the capacity and the 
wherewithal to do so," he said, adding that Pakistan should be trusted with it

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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