
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

PURPLE PATCH: Whither our children -Friedrich Engels

 The great mortality among children of the working class, and especially among 
those of the factory operatives, is proof enough of the unwholesome conditions 
under which they pass their first years. These influences are at work, of 
course, among the children who survive, but not quite so powerfully as upon 
those who succumb. The result in the most favourable case is a tendency to 
disease, or some check in development, and consequent less than normal vigour 
of the constitution. A nine-year-old child of a factory operative that has 
grown up in want, privation, and changing conditions, in cold and damp, with 
insufficient clothing and unwholesome dwellings, is far from having the working 
strength of a child brought up under healthier conditions. At nine years of age 
it is sent into the mill to work 61/2 hours (formerly 8, earlier still, 12 to 
14, even 16 hours) daily, until the thirteenth year; then twelve hours until 
the eighteenth year. The old enfeebling influences continue, while the work is 
added to them, but in no case can its presence in the damp, heavy air of the 
factory, often at once warm and wet, contribute to good health; and, in any 
case, it is unpardonable to sacrifice to the greed of an unfeeling bourgeoisie 
the time of children which should be devoted solely to their physical and 
mental development, and to withdraw them from school and the fresh air in order 
to wear them out for the benefit of the manufacturers. 

Commissioners mention a crowd of cripples who appeared before them, who clearly 
owed their distortion to the long working hours. This distortion usually 
consists of a curving of the spinal column and legs. I have seldom traversed 
Manchester without meeting three or four, suffering from precisely the same 
distortions of the spinal columns and legs, and I have often been able to 
observe them closely. I know one personally who got into this condition in Mr 
Douglas's factory in Pendleton, an establishment which enjoys an unenviable 
notoriety among the operatives by reason of the former long working periods 
continued night after night. It is evident, at a glance, whence the distortions 
of these cripples come, they all look exactly alike. The knees are bent inward 
and backwards, the ankles deformed and thick, and the spinal column often bent 
forwards or to one side.

In cases in which a stronger constitution, better food, and other more 
favourable circumstances enabled the young operative to resist this effect of a 
barbarous exploitation, we find, at least, pain in the back, hips, and legs, 
swollen joints, varicose veins, and large, persistent ulcers in the thighs and 
calves. These afflictions are almost universal among the operatives. 

All these afflictions are easily explained by the nature of factory-work, which 
is, as the manufacturers say, very "light", and precisely by reason of its 
lightness, more enervating than any other. The operatives have little to do, 
but must stand the whole time. Anyone who sits down, say upon a window-ledge or 
a basket, is fined, and this perpetual upright position, this constant 
mechanical pressure of the upper portions of the body upon spinal column, hips, 
and legs, inevitably produces the results mentioned. This standing is not 
required by the work itself, and at Nottingham chairs have been introduced, 
with the result that these maladies disappeared. This long protracted upright 
position, with the bad atmosphere prevalent in the mills entails, besides the 
deformities mentioned, a marked relaxation of all vital energies, and, in 
consequence, all sorts of other afflictions general rather than local. The 
atmosphere of the factories is, as a rule, at once damp and warm, far warmer 
than is necessary, and, when the ventilation is not very good, impure, heavy, 
deficient in oxygen, filled with dust and the smell of the machine oil, which 
almost everywhere smears the floor, sinks into it, and becomes rancid. The 
operatives are lightly clad by reason of the warmth, and would readily take 
cold in case of irregularity of the temperature; a draught is distasteful to 
them, the general enervation which gradually takes possession of all the 
physical functions diminishes the animal warmth: this must be replaced from 
without, and nothing is therefore more agreeable to the operative than to have 
all the doors and windows closed, and to stay in his warm factory-air. Then 
comes the sudden change of temperature on going out into the cold and wet or 
frosty atmosphere, without the means of protection from the rain, or of 
changing wet clothing for dry, a circumstance which perpetually produces colds. 
And when one reflects that, with all this, not one single muscle of the body is 
really exercised, really called into activity, except perhaps those of the 
legs; that nothing whatsoever counteracts the enervating, relaxing tendency of 
all these conditions; that every influence is wanting which might give the 
muscles strength, the fibres elasticity and consistency; that from youth up, 
the operative is deprived of all fresh air recreation. 

(This extract is taken from The Condition of the Working Class in England by 
Friedrich Engels)

Friedrich Engels was a German social scientist, author, political theorist, 
philosopher and father of communist theory alongside Karl Marx

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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