US close to lifting ban on Kopassus: Juwono
Lilian Budianto ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Tue, 03/02/2010 11:19 PM  | 

Former defense minister Juwono Sudarsono says Washington is close to lifting a 
ban on training the Indonesian Military's special forces (Kopassus), with the 
ban's main sponsor, Sen. Patrick Leahy, "accepting" Jakarta's progress in 
investigating officers accused of rights abuses.

Under the Leahy Law, the entire Kopassus unit is banned from receiving US 
military education or training, following allegations of their involvement in a 
number of atrocities in restive provinces. The law says the ban will only be 
lifted if the government takes adequate legal steps to process officers 
allegedly involved.

Juwono said Tuesday he had spoken with Leahy toward the end of his stint as 
defense minister last October, and the senator had "accepted" Jakarta's claims 
that it was investigating of rights abuses implicating several high-ranking 

"In the next few months, the US State Department will conduct a review of the 
ban [indicating] that military-to-military relations will be restored ... to 
allow Kopassus officers to be trained in the United States," Juwono told The 
Jakarta Post on a sidelines of conference on Indonesia-US partnership.

"It's just a matter of time, [maybe] a couple of months."

US President Barack Obama will visit Indonesia in late March to launch a 
comprehensive partnership with Jakarta on a wide range of cooperation, 
including military.

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