Pak nuclear scientist rejects US media report  
Islamabad , March 16, IRNA – Father of Pakistan nuclear program Dr. Abdul Qadir 
Khan here Monday strongly rejected US media report that said nuclear scientist 
had admitted that Pakistan gave Iran bomb-related drawings, in lieu of 
The Washington Post claimed that Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan states, in the documents 
obtained by the daily, that Pakistan gave Iran parts for centrifuges to purify 
uranium and a secret worldwide list of suppliers. 

Talking to IRNA exclusively Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan termed the report baseless 
saying that it was part of a malicious propaganda campaign against him. 

“The report was just pack of lies”, he added. 

He said that for last 30 years West has been leveling baseless allegations 
against him. “I haven’t done any wrong”, he made it clear. 

Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan was of the view that West is trying to drag him into 
baseless conspiracies. 

Pakistan has also rejected the report saying that it is yet another repackaging 
of fiction, which surface occasionally for purposes that are self-evident 

Abdul Basit, Pakistani Foreign Office spokesman said A.Q Khan is a closed 
chapter and Pakistan ’s non-proliferation credentials are second to none and 
its export controls are foolproof. 


End News / IRNA / News Code 1014887 



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