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Editorial: The vanishing minorities

Sat, 03/27/2010 12:40 PM  |  Opinion 

This week has been nothing but bad news for minorities of all kinds in 
Indonesia. First, the petition to repeal the pornography law because of its 
discriminatory nature was rejected by the Constitutional Court. And then the 
plan for an Asian conference of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and 
Intersex (ILGA) in Surabaya had to be canceled at the last minute on police 
orders after pressure from radical Islamic groups. 

Another petition by religious minorities to repeal the blasphemy law is also 
running into trouble. This week, a radical Islamic group even assaulted 
supporters of the petition who came to the hearing at the Constitutional Court, 
with the police not lifting a finger to stop the attack. The same group has 
been going around threatening to attack the ILGA conference, and again the 
police have kept silent. 

All of this is sending the wrong signals that Indonesia, a country that once 
prided itself on its diversity, so much so that it is carved in the state motto 
Unity in Diversity, is increasingly becoming intolerant. Minorities are finding 
they are being treated as second-class citizens, misfits, discriminated against 
or even persecuted. 

The tragic part of the story is that some of this is institutionalized 
discrimination, either written into our laws, or as in the case of the ban on 
the ILGA, the police becoming part of the conspiracy to deprive the 
constitutionally guaranteed rights of association of the people. 

In all these instances, the state has failed in its job to protect the rights 
of the minorities. Today it is the gays and lesbians, next the religious 
minorities, and tomorrow the ethnic and racial minorities. 

Indonesia's nascent democracy is heading in the wrong direction, a democracy 
where the majority not only rules, but a democracy where the minorities are 
struggling to even make their voices heard. 

If we keep harassing the minorities, or if the state keeps failing to protect 
their rights, we will surely be pushing them to the edge, perhaps to the point 
of extinction. When the minorities vanish, so will Indonesia as we know it

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